Ok, so I am so incredibly cynical about people and their "Weird sightings" and "UFO sightings" I'm thinking, "yeah, ok, sure. Whatever!" I'm not totally against the possibility that maybe, somewhere out there, is another group of beings that may have some interest in us. I mean, come on, just us in this gigantic universe, and beyond? Awful waste of space! hehehe...
SO, anywho.... Today is my dad's birthday, and we went out to dinner at the yummiest place outside of Stuttgart. (I'll have to post about that another time.) On our way home, we were in the van, and my brother had called to say he needed a ride home from work, and since we had just passed through the town where he works, we had to go to our village to turn around. So as we are approaching the top of the hill in our village from the highway offramp, we (Mom, Justin and I) see 5 glowy orange balls in the sky. They looked like little balls of fire, and were most definately NOT airplanes, but we thought maybe they were hot air balloons. Hot air ballooning is BIG over here. So we rolled down our windows to listen for the sound of the flame (they were low enough that we could hear it) but we heard nothing. Not a sound! So we're still kinda thinkin', hmm, ok.... whatever. I asked my mom to pull over onto a tractor road off to the side. We got out of the van, and were just looking up, and we only saw 3 grouped together (in a perfectly straight line) followed at a distance by one, also in a direct line from the others. One had dissapeared. They were moving at a pretty steady and quick pace, and still NO sound. We just sat and watched the one all alone for a bit in awe. What in the heck were these things! When we were getting into the van to go get my bro, we noticed the first 3 of the group had also dissapeared. It was SO weird!
I'm sure I sound like some sci-fi junkie weirdo, but DAMN! That was weird! Of course I'm sure there is some logical and boring explaination for this occurance, but, DAMN!
And of course, I figured I had to post this in case anyone else saw them, too. Or heard anything about it. Or if I dissapear! ;) hehehe....
watch out for probes...
Ha ha ha good one Margaret!!
Ok, this was so fascinating, I really wanted to know the answer. So I'm researching... Didn't find an explanation, but here's some links to play with:
Margaret made a funny:) I would have been terrified! You can convince me of anything. Really. I am the biggest chicken (probably shouldn't tell anyone that..). I've seen too many movies and would have begged to get back in the car. Were you scared?
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