Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!!

Wherever you are today, take a minute to look around you, and appreciate this planet we live on, and all it has to offer. I think everyday should be earth day! I hope everyone takes at least today to do a little something green, and use it as a start to be more environmentally aware in your everyday life! :)
tree photo: moon~Goddess~Earth

sunset over water photo: eye2eye

foggy hills photo: jon.noj

Green heart leaf photo: Shabbir Ferdous

bird photo: makeupanid

prairie animals photo: etrusia_uk's

butterfly photo: khasan

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

all so beautiful! I remember my 1st earth day celebration in San Diego..I got one of those hair wrap thingy's where they wrap a section of hair in the embroidery floss.It was behind an ear and ithced bad!! I ended up having to cut it out:)