Poor little pooh! It appears to have been a 24 hour bug, though! She seems to be feeling so much better! Thank goodness... Here's hoping Jaden and I don't get it. I'm just amazed. Our sweet little kiddos are NEVER sick. I mean really, they don't get sick! Then Justin leaves, and BAM-O! Sickies galore. And such nice timing for her to get flu like symptoms, with the buzz about the swine flu! sheesh! But, she's feeling better, I'm a happy camper, and we're good! :)
And yes, I know, I know... I ought to stop blabbing on about my man being gone, and oh woe is me, but you know.... I won't! :) That's just me.
I wont spoil it but it is GOOD we laughed ALOT
Keep hanging in there. You CAN do this. As long as you intersperse the venting about his absence with funny kid sayings and crafty projects, you're doing great! I laughed so hard watching that movie! Can't wait to see the project finished~
hurry and finishe the project! I cna't wait to see it! Justin is gone?? he he he, you're doing fine:) Poor baby! She has the yuck yucks:)I love her comment, that would make a cute get well card...!
I can't believe JennyP didn't comment on Baby Mama!!! I think that might be one of her favs. And that WOULD make a great get well card for someone! Make it now and hold on to it so you don't forget! Hehe!
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