Saturday, May 16, 2009

not much to report....

There hasn't been too much going on lately. We're pretty boring, with random short bursts of excitement. My father in law came and mowed our lawn this morning. Why didn't I do it? Well, other than us NOT owning a lawn mower, it needed a tractor. No, not a little riding lawn mower tractor, like an actual tractor! Yeah, it was almost as tall as my sholders, which actually isn't that tall. But in grass standards, it IS!!
So after having my grass cut, I now have a huge list building of things I want to do with our yard! We're hosting a baby shower here in about 2 weeks*, so I gotta get on it! Whew! I'm excited!!! So, I'll be shopping around for all the fun things I need (you know, bark mulch, lattice, plants all that "FUN" stuff!) YAY!!!
So now I'm off, to enjoy the 80+ degree weather we're expecting today, go shopping for yard stuff, and then go make smores with my friends tonight! I always say how much I hate warm weather, but you know what? I DON'T!! Just as long as it's not "Africa hot!" ;). Or Kuwait hot, something I actually have experience with! ugggg... Yet another reason I LOVE Oregon!

*I've been working on the invites to this baby shower, and after meeting with my friend this weekend to see if she likes them, I'll post pics of them! :) Of course I know they won't be as amazing as the awesome invites Jess did, but hey! We do what we can, right? :)


Corinnea said...

ha ha ha I think 80 would feel Africa hot compared to the 60 degrees we had here today in Germany!!!!!!!! At least we had some sun in the afternoon......

Your invites will be great!

Mary said...

I'm sure the cards will look great!

Sasha said...

aww, you ladies are so sweet! I know they'll be cute, because I like them! :) But I had to share my awe and amazement for Jess again! I'll post some pics tomorrow after I get a good one (other than my model one) done, and in good light! :)

Sasha said...

oh, by the way, it's suppose to get to 90 tomorrow, and today WAS already feelin' Africa hot to me. I don't know if I'm gonna make it through the summer, because I really DON'T like heat...see, there I go again! ;)